The Water from Rock Podcast
by waterfromrock
Since Oct 17, 2020 15:55 UTC
Weekly teaching and devotionals from Water from Rock Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona
Imagine sitting with a close friend for an hour or so and looking back at your life, talking about some of the highest, the lows, some good days, some perhaps not so good, but looking back on your life, I just bet that you would have some lessons learned, some real distilled wisdom.
I count it one of my greatest privileges and pleasures in ministry to have served some time as a hospice chaplain, where I spent literally hours with people young and old looking back at life, telling their stories, lessons learned. Lessons learned is what we have in today’s scripture from Psalm 37, a Psalm of David, in which David is passing down with the help of the Holy Spirit, he’s passing down some hard-earned life wisdom…
Download a transcript for the June 5, 2021, Selah episode
**This transcript was generated by artificial intelligence and may not be 100% accurate.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
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